More than 32000 children have been enrolled in the “Walk For Life” clubfoot treatment project

Shihab - the story of his new clubfoot free life

"Mohammed" - a clubfoot-free child running to and fro

The story of clubfoot winner "Rabiul"

"Walk for Life" - Clubfoot treatment pioneer in Bangladesh

Walk for Life Clubfoot clinics list

Rules and Importance of Bracing a Clubfoot baby (Walk for Life)

Importance on Early Detection of Clubfoot (Walk for Life)

Clubfoot Awareness (Walk for Life Clubfoot Rehabilitation Centre)

Ponseti Method for effective and permanent treatment of Clubfoot

What is Relapse?

Documentary on Walk for Life – The Clubfoot Program of Bangladesh

Importance of Bracing in Clubfoot Treatment (Walk For Life)

Introduction to the Walk for Life

Introduction to the Ponseti Method

Brace Making (Bangla version)

Documentary on Walk for Life in Bangladesh Television

Brace Making (English version)

Special news on Walk for Life Clubfoot clinic at Bogura

News on Walk for Life Clubfoot Clinic at Bogura